I'm now writing the parasha blurb for the shul each week. Hopefully, I'll remember to post also. I started with Tazria, already a month ago, but of course that's on the other computer, so it's not getting posted. It's one of the problems of multiple computers in the house. We desperately need to network the computers. I tend to use whatever one is available (4 laptops and a desktop now), but then never know where my material is.
So there I am. My Tazria and Metzora blurbs are on another computer. The networking is not done, and I cannot share. Wonderfully, there's always next year. It's a great and humbling thing about the Torah. We read the same thing every year, but it never gets old. Lessons learned can be learned again. New lessons pop up just when you think you've run dry. Hafokh bah, v'hafokh ba, ki kula ba; turn it over and over for all is within in. I guess that's just one more reason I love being a rabbi.