VAdonai amar
el-Avram… “Sa na einekha ur’eih min-hamakom asher-atah sham tzafonah vanegbah
vakeidmah vayamah. Ki et-kol-ha’aretz asher-atah roeh l’kha etnenah ul’zar’akha
ad-olam. V’samti et-zar’akha ka’afar ha’aretz asher im-yukhal ish limnot
et-afar ha’aretz gam zar’akha yimaneh. Kum hit'haleikh ba’aretz l’arkah
ulrachbah ki l’kha etnenah.”
Adonai said to Avram, “Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are:
north, south, east, and west. For all the land that you see, to you I will give
it, and to your seed forever. And I will make your seed like dust of the earth,
if a man can count the dust of the earth, then also your seed he can count.
Arise; walk through the land, the length of it and the breadth of it, for to
you I will give it.” (Breishit 13:14-17)
The promise made to Avram that
day was an eternal promise for us, the promise of our legacy, our inheritance.
The land that Avram sees, the land that Avram walks, it is not only his. It
belongs to his children. It is ours. It is a promise to which the Jewish people
have clung for thousands of years. It is a promise whose modern fulfilment
began anew, not in 1948, but in 1897 with the dream of Theodor Herzl.
Why 1897? August 29-31, 1897 was
the inaugural Congress of the Zionist Organization. Convened and chaired by
Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland, the Congress formulated a Zionist
platform, now known as the Jerusalem Program, and founded the Zionist
Organization, HaHistadrut HaTziyonit.
The Zionist Organization, which evolved into the World Zionist Organization,
served then, and continues to serve, with its sister organizations of Keren
Kayemet L’Yisrael (JNF), Keren
HaYesod (United Israel Appeal), and the
Jewish Agency for Israel, as an umbrella organization for the Zionist Movement
and the worldwide Jewish community.
With annual, then biennial, and
now meetings every five years, the World Zionist Congress continues to work for
Israel, for us, and for the assurance of our legacy as promised to Avram.
How is this our legacy? The
World Zionist Organization is committed to promoting Israel as and idea and as
a vital, positive, binding force in Jewish life. The Jerusalem program is
dedicated to instilling the centrality of Israel within Jewish consciousness,
encouraging love of Israel, building an exemplary society in the Jewish state,
expanding Zionist education, settling the land, and combating anti-Semitism.
How is this accomplished? The
WZO and the Congress are made up of delegates from Zionist associations around
the world, such as the Canadian Zionist Federation. These associations are
built from Zionist organizations: WIZO, Hadassah, Bnai Brith, the three streams
of world Judaism, Maccabi, and more. Delegates to the Congress elect the WZO
leadership, and set its course for the next five years. 2015 will mark the 37th
Zionist Congress. Each of us with an opinion on Jewish education,
anti-Semitism, aliyah, pluralism, social justice, or Israel’s relationship with
the Diaspora has the right and the responsibility to add our voice to the world
discussion to help shape the legacy for Israeli society and the Jewish people.
To give voice to your vision, to
vote for the next Congress, you must join a Zionist organization by the end of
2014 to take part in the next Canadian Zionist Federation election in spring
2015. The CZF is made up of the three religious streams represented by
Mizrachi, MERCAZ, and ARZA. This year Ameinu and others may be joining the
elections. Decisions are made by those who show up. Make sure you show up.
Become a member of a Zionist organization by the end 2014. Be an active part of
the Jewish future and ensure the legacy promised to us today.
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