gam-Par'oh lachakhamim v'lamkhashpim vaya'asu gam-cheim hartumei Mitzrayim
b'lahateihem kein.
And Pharaoh called for the wise men and the sorcerers, and they
also, the magicians of Egypt, did in a like manner with their secret arts.
(Shemot 7:11)
Imagine the scene-
Though raised in the palace, Moshe returns as a shepherd. He with his brother,
in their simple clothing, stand before Pharaoh and his court. The room is
filled with Egyptian wealth and the trappings of Egypt's religion, art,
statues, even the clothes are meant to stand as reminders of Pharaoh's
connection to the Egyptian gods and his status as a god himself. The
Israelites, a nomadic, enslaved people, have none of this. Only following our
departure from Egypt do we begin to create religious art and beautiful ritual
objects and clothes. Moshe and Aaron stand before Pharaoh as themselves. They
are regular people. It is true they have been chosen for their roles, but for
their natural human abilities. Moshe is compassionate; Aaron a good speaker.
They are not professionals. They do not come from a dynasty. They have no magic
skills. The miraculous moments come from God. They are not tricks or arts that
have been studied and learned. On the other hand, Pharaoh, perhaps the
strongest leader of his time, and a presumed god himself, has no power to
perform such acts. He must surround himself with trained individuals, learned
in Egyptian religion, in magic, and secrets known only to a few.
Judaism is special
in this regard. Though we rely on rabbis, they are meant to be our experts and
our teachers, guiding us on our own journeys into mitzvot, into t'fillah, and
into Jewish life. Judaism is based upon the equality of all Jews. Just as we look
to experts in other fields, we have experts in Judaism. However, these experts
are not meant to create a hierarchy. Even in Temple times, Kohanim knew the
mechanics of sacrifices. It was the Levi'im who knew the details of ritual, how
to set up the Mikdash, and the songs recited daily. The Sages knew the
teachings. The people did the rituals. Recent archeological discoveries show
active synagogue life even during the Second Temple; regular Jews observing
Judaism. Every Jew is equal. The learning, the mitzvot, the t'fillot are open
to all Jews equally. We do not require a priest or pope to act as a go between
to reach God. We merely need to open ourselves to faith and to God, and let the
divine power flow through us.
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