Friday, February 18, 2022

Tetzaveh & Feeling the Weight on Your Shoulders


January/February is always a very busy time for me. There's so much to do to close out one fiscal year for a charity or non-profit and lead into another, to ensure that the funds of one year are distributed to keep the work focused.

Parashat Tetzavah describes the clothing of the kohain gadol, the high priest. Every piece of his outfit is designed with intent. Much of it to ensure that neither the Israelites nor Aharon forgets his purpose. I imagine Aharon, and generations of kohanim after, donning those garments, weighed down as each layer is added to their ritual uniform. They literally wear the weight of their responsibility on their chests and their shoulders. And so last week's round challah was marked in remembrance of the breastplate. Twelve sections to weigh upon Aharon's heart, to be felt with every breath, his obligations to them. 

Last Friday was a workday. It isn't normally. And the work stretched throughout our Shabbat prep to fill the time, as it is wont. I remembered, just before lighting candles, to snap a picture. Ironically, the fourth challah is cut off. It's a section of tzitzit, the strings and knots we tie on our garments that work like strings on our fingers to remind us of the mitzvot. In my rush, I neglected to remember to check the photo, and I cut the tzitzit from the picture. 

I'll try to do better.

More photos tomorrow.

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