Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kitty Blog #16, by Gandalf the Grey

The weather is great.  I'm spending lots of time outside.  I've become a door-cat.  I go in and out at will.  Nora is stuck inside.  Serves her right.  She can't be trusted.  She keeps jumping over the fence.  You'd think it wasn't worth the effort.  I mean, it's 6 feet high.  Why exert the energy?  What's she going to see anyway?  There are plenty of birds and squirrels to watch in the yard, and who knows what outside.  Besides, I know that the people give her treats when i'm outside, and I'm not bitter.

But clearly she is bitter.  She keeps eating my food.  As if the horror of being on a diet with measured out food wasn't bad enough.  Now, I have less food than I'm entitled to.  Plus, she gets the good food, while I get the diet food.  Who died and made her the boss of food?!  If I even try to approach my bowl when she's around, she flips.  It's my bowl!

I think it's all about jealousy.  She may think she's in charge, but I have freedom where she doesn't.  So ha on her!  I will deal with her obnoxiousness, because, in the end, I know that Jen & Sean will make sure I have food, while she still won't get to go outside.  Serves her right!

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