Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Pumpkin Cutting Day

Today is pumpkin cutting day. The pumpkin autopsy proved our findings of suicide in the pumpkin leap from Sunday. Before the cutting commenced, we determined the death of the second large pumpkin as well. The pumpkin on the right, was the one which jumped. You can see how much we had to cut away. The rot had really taken hold. The pumpkin on the left had given up it top third. Its end was sad, but it will live again in yummy, yummy food.

But the cutting didn't end there. There were gourds to cut. On pumpkin picking day, Gavi had brought home two wonderful gourds. Unfortunately, they too had begun to soften. The end had been slowed by placing them in the refrigerator, but they couldn't live forever. Today was the day they would go. But they did not go gentle into that good night. No, after an hour in the oven, the first exploded at first cut, erupting seeds onto the cutting board and beyond. The seeds flew at least a foot.
The mission now is to find enough recipes to fully fulfil the destiny of these great gourds. Tonight will be pumpkin fritters in honor of National Fritter Day (about which we only just learned, but it's today).

Pumpkin recipe suggestions welcome.

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