Some of the best parshiyot to drash, those filled with material, simply don't lend themselves to great challah shapes. Thursday night dinner led to some interesting discussions of detached limbs and foreskins. Nope!
But there are also some beautiful moments. Devorah, Rivka's nurse is buried under an oak tree. In just a verse we have a named woman whose burial is marked. Reading between the lines, moments like these tell me there's a whole tradition of women's stories lost to the canon. For her, I made a braid ending in oak leaves.
The big story in Vayishlach is Jacob returning home. Worried about meeting Esav again, he divides his family and flocks on either side of the Jabbok River. Our cupcake challah is divided by a river and accompanied by fluffy sheep. (Yes, it's hard to see in the dough. My sheep clearly needs shearing.
With these, chicken soup has been simmering all day (at least 6 hours) for dipping. Stuffed peppers, pot roast and kale salad with roasted sweet potatoes. Yum to all.
Next week is my favourite secular holiday - American Thanksgiving. With the holiday on Thursday, we get chol hamoed Thanksgiving complete with Shabbat chol hamoed Thanksgiving. Traditional food - there will have to be bread baking.
Wishing you all a Shabbat shalom!