That's it. It's over. Sean is home. After weeks of limbo, of being unsure what would happen, in a matter of a few days Sean came home. Our service to God and country, for now, has ended.
It's been a frustrating ride. We were set to serve when we thought Sean was heading to Afghanistan. We were prepared (and somehow frustrated and relieved at the same time) when he was pulled from his Seabee unit to be sent to Okinawa, Japan instead. Unfortunately, the method by which the Navy planned to send him turned out to not be legal. Now what to do? In the meantime I had left my job at USCJ. The Chaplain Corps, trying to do the right thing, sent Sean on whatever type of orders they could. The result was a series of orders in Okinawa. However, it seems there's only so long they can play the numbers game with different budgets within one area. While the Jewish chapel needed a rabbi, that's not a full time job. There are only so many billets that are available and can be merged with the needs of the Jewish program there. Out of options, they sent Sean home.
Whatever the reasons, we're just happy he's home. Keren has been planning a "rejoining party" since before Sean left. Gavi planned the greatest ambush. Most mornings Gavi "ambushes" Sean with a stuffed animal (called "The Inbound Monkey", although it's not always a monkey). He planned an ambush with Jesse & Keren, organized it, directed the set up, and, when Sean walked through the door, gave the command for them all to pelt Sean with multiple "Inbound Monkeys". A triumphant moment for all!
Hugs, kisses, gifts, lots to talk about, and bedtime. (It was after 11 PM.)
It's wonderful to have Sean home. It's even more fun to watch others' reactions as they see Sean unexpectedly.... Hugs, kisses, lots to talk about....