Snow makes me smile. I know that many of you think I am nuts on this point, but when I open my eyes to see snow outside I smile. I believe that if the weather must be cold then it should snow and be pretty. I want drifts, mounds, piles of snow.
Thursday night it was snowing as I went to bed. Friday morning I had to drive the kids to school. In good driving conditions the drive takes a half hour. I may have mentioned before that I am NOT a morning person. Most mornings a dear and wonderful friend drives the children for us. This is a godsend. So I was unhappy about having to be truly conscious to drive.
Okay, back to the snow. The alarm went off fifteen minutes early. I pulled the covers over my head. Then I remembered the snow. No snooze this morning, sad. Okay, driving children to school. Remember I mentioned snow. I drag my sorry self from bed; grab socks, a jacket, and boots, and step outside. (Yes, I am still wearing my pajamas.) It's still dark. I wonder why I'm awake. But as I look out at the peaceful, snow-covered world I smile. The snow is still falling. The streets are quiet. It's an amazing time to be outside.
On an aside- my father always liked to leave the car in the driveway when it snowed so he wouldn't have to shovel. I like my car in the garage. It's clean. It's warm-ish. I kinda like shoveling. It's a debate as to which method is better. As I begin shoveling a neighbor from across the street comes out to clean her car. In the time it took her to clear her car to passable I had shoveled my entire double driveway. My feelings about the garage are reinforced.
Snow fell throughout Shabbat eve. Saturday morning was even better than Friday. THe alarm goes off two hours later (smile). It was still snowing (smile). Keren and I went to shul. On the way home Keren climbed every snowdrift. It took us twice as look to get home, but we had lots of fun. Keren followed up the walk with forty minutes in the yard playing in the snow. Wonderful!
Skating motzi Shabbat.