Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blogging Obsession

Sean's blog,, hit 10,000 hits.  A big mazel tov to him.  It's been funny as we come up on this momentous occasion.  Sean was planning as he got close.  He started writing.  He obsessed.  His blog has become part of his consciousness.

I am impressed, amused, and slightly jealous.  Impressed with his dedication.  I have always been, and continue to be, impressed with his ability to shine a lens on moments of life.  I am amused with the obsession his blog has become.  He is dedicated to it.  I think of things about which I want to blog while with the kids, in the car, at work, etc.  Unfortunately, by the time I get to blog, or even to a piece of paper and a pen, I have forgotten what it was that inspired me.  Sean does not have that problem.  And yes, I am a bit jealous.  Sean is the better blogger.  I cannot even seem to post my drashot on time, and often have to catch up with weeks at a time.

Some of this is circumstance.  Sean has gotten to travel with the Navy.  When he's traveling we both have much to blog about.  Sean, however, has the time, and I have the kids.  I always said I'd get a job where I could deploy too.  When I finally did, I had even less time away from kids than I did at home.  Blogging was never an option.

I tease him about this a lot.  The blog has become his fourth child, but it's also a window into our lives, as a blog should be.  We've always opened our home, and now we're doing it virtually.  Friends who are readers comment to us about our different writing styles.  It's even made me think about how we each relate to our blogs.  I write the way I speak.  Sometimes it's more stream of consciousness than coherent.  Sean has developed a blog personality.  It's similar to the way he changes for different situations.  That'll have to be a blog entry itself.  And even within a wonderful, communicative relationship, the constant reading of each others posts, gives an added level of insight into each other.

Maybe I'll be inspired by my wonderful hubby, and you'll all get to climb into my head as you climb into his.  But then again, probably not.

Good night.

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