Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tales From the Rabbis' Table

Today we had a perfect "Rabbis' Table" moment. It was Shabbat afternoon. Jesse and Gav had just come upstairs after some fierce ping pong. Keren and Sean were finishing up a game of Battleship, and I was eating seudah shlishit (the 3rd Shabbat meal, which, in our home, gets spread throughout the afternoon as we each get hungry). We were discussing nusach and Kaddish. Sean sang a bit of Kaddish Neilah for Gavi to repeat. It's a wonderful Kaddish, especially neat since it's done only once a year. Gavi repeated after him. Keren piped up with "That was almost it." Not missing a beat, Gavi responded, "Yeah, well it was better than your revi'i." Trash talk in the rabbis' house is all about nusach and Torah ta'amim (aka troupe). How proud am I?

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