Friday, March 7, 2014

The Worst Week of the Year

It is said that anticipation is worse than the thing you are dreading.  It is true. This is the worst week of the year. Each morning I wake up to sun streaming in my bedroom window. But it's not real. It's a tease. Sunday morning, o-dark-hundred, the clocks jump forward into daylight saving. You may know, I HATE daylight saving! The days are already getting longer. Shabbat is beginning to start at a reasonable time. It's light, as it should be, when people are getting up for work and for school, but Monday morning we will be plunged back into darkness, making mornings, once again, cold and miserable.

They're taking the sun away. It makes me sad. But the worst is waking up each morning to sun and the thought, "Next week that'll be gone."

At least the dread is almost over.  I can accept the headache that comes every year with the theft of the sun, and look forward to brighter days in a few weeks.

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