I love the stories when Sean comes home. I always ask him to write them down, although he rarely does, especially the halakhic issues.
Seven days of Hanukah
No Passover Matzah in the great state of Hawaii
What do you do when your week has nine days (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Saturday)?
This year's fun was...
Oh My God the communion wafers I have are hametz!
I'm saving my Passover grape juice for Easter Sunday
Whenever Keren (and the boys too) gets upset or worried about the deployment, I remind her of the day Sean told her. He spoke of honor and right, of the importance of doing this for the children, especially the girls burned with acid for the crime of going to school. When people ask how do we do this- that's why- to serve our country, for honor, and for the rights of all people. It seems corny, like Superman, but then I think about my favorite monument on the Mall in Washington, the Korean War Memorial. It's my favorite because it says plainly, "Freedom Is Not Free." This is the message of my Judaism and my patriotism, the values I hold dear. How do we do this? I answer how could we not?