Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Dvar on Why We All Should Support Israel

The following is a d’var Torah I gave on Monday at a MERCAZ Israel Advocacy Seminar in Connecticut. 
I’m going to start with a fact you all know. From June 5-June 10, 1967, just 19 years after its rebirth, Israel fought its third war for survival. In six days, 275,000 Israeli soldiers had beaten the better-armed 456,000 enemy forces. Despite the imbalance, in just six days time, Israel had not only won, she had reopened the holy cities of Hebron and Jerusalem to the worldwide Jewish community. It was a decided victory and a miracle, but in the modern world many miracles come with a cost. Israel was left with 759 soldiers dead and close to 3000 wounded. Arab casualties and deaths were significantly higher. In addition, Israel’s advancing armies gave us the terms “The ’67 Borders” and the “Green Line,” which have been used by both Israel’s supporters and detractors ever since.
Later that year, Israel’s Navy Band preformed a song that had been written by Rachel Shapira in memory Elad Krug, a young man from her kibbutz who had been killed in the war. Mah Avarech asks “Mah avarech lo bameh y’vorach zeh hayeled she’al hamalach.” An angel asks, “How will I bless him, with what shall I bless this child.” The song recounts blessing after blessing- a smile bright as light, wide eyes to take in all of life, and legs to dance. The child grows, and the angel continues to ask, “With what shall I bless this youth? With what shall I bless this man?” The blessings change. Instead of legs with which to dance, legs that are strong and mighty. Instead of a voice that sings out in song, a voice that calls out in cadence. Unfortunately, the blessings are for naught. The boy becomes an angel. The lyrics end “Elohim Elohim Elohim, lu ach berachta lo chayim.” “Dear God, If only You had blessed him with life.” It’s a difficult message wrapped in a beautiful tune.
It’s an interesting choice for a military band to play. I have heard many a military band. They play songs like “Stars and Stripes Forever” and “Oh Canada.” Mah Avarech is not a typical tune for a military band, but we understand it is no less patriotic. Kohelet teaches us, v’ha’chai yitein libo; and the living shall take it to heart. It is said in reference to mourning. Those of us left behind must learn from the ones we’ve lost. It may be that we’ve lost someone close to us, whose lessons we know well. It may be that we’ve lost someone we barely knew, or did not know at all, but they still have lessons to teach.
Israel, like all things, is not perfect, but it is our land. It is a land of holiness, of amazement, and of miracles. It is also a land that has learned its lessons in very difficult ways. As a result, the State of Israel and we, as Jews, understand that we must always ask for that blessing of life. This requires knowledge of and support for Israel to ensure its survival in the world. We must never allow Israel to become that boy, that youth, that man, only an angel who can never again dance, explore, wonder or smile.
To hear Mah Avarech (possibly sung by Tzahal's naval group) go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgYBqwBm8dU.

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