My last house guest left today. After six weeks, my parents left at 4:40 AM yesterday. Tonight, our feline house guest of two weeks left.
It was a pleasure having them all. My parents arrived and immediately found a project in my house. It's a family tradition. My grandfather did all sorts of things for my parents, and now they're paying it forward.
Having my parents here also allowed me to attend the USCJ International Youth Commission shabbaton on Orlando, a weekend away with a lot of friends at a great hotel in Florida. Unfortunately I didn't leave the hotel grounds, missing Harry Potter's Wizarding World, but a needed time away nonetheless.
Upon my return I discovered I had a terrible case of bronchitis, bordering on pneumonia. Four days in bed (again, thanks Mom & Dad), and a run of antibiotics, and I'm so much better, hopefully fully well, but a follow-up with the doctor will confirm.
It was quite a visit. There's a reason that kids move out when they grow up. Still, for the kids it added a level of stability. It allowed me time away to refresh, and time in bed to recover.
Today I had a wonderful lunch with good friends Judy & Dena Libman. Thanks! People have often asked what's really helpful. Of course with every person the needs are different, but for me it's been the supportive contact and the adult time I get with friends. Really, just knowing you're there if I need you is the biggest help of all.
For now, I'm looking forward to a quiet home tomorrow to get my house back in order, and a little work done.