Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't Patronize Me When It's Partly Your Fault

I am tired.  Not just sort of tired, but down to the bone, feeling like I'm hung over tired.  If you've read my entry on Daylight Saving Time, you know that is part of the problem.  The second part of the problem comes from Keren's birthday party.  It was Saturday night, and it was a slumber party.  Of course there was little slumber invoved.  Still that is not what makes me tired.  What makes me tired is that Sean ditched.  He completely and totally ditched his responsibility for this party.  I did the shopping for the party.  I did the cooking for the party.  Oh wait, he did order the pizza.  I served the pizza.  I started the girls cleaning up, and shooed them to the den for a movie.  He tried to make a shiva call Saturday night, but the family got up from shiva early.  When we discovered that we were short on eggs and milk for Sunday during the party, I went to the supermarket.  I filled the completely empty gas tank, standing outside in the cold before I could go to the market.  I schlepped the bags back in.  Sean had finished clearing the table.  I wiped it down.  Sean went to bed.  I prepped the baked french toast for breakfast.  I set up the ice cream sundae bar.  I served ice cream.  I sent the girls back to the den, and finished cleaning the kitchen.  I stayed up (especially since I am a light sleeper) until 4:00 AM reminding the girls that they needed to be a little quieter.  They were playing caterpillar wrestling at 3:30.  I got up a 7:40 to make breakfast and bake Keren's cake.  Sean had decided to go to minyan (important for a rabbi, but not actually in his job description, and he usually takes off for birthday parties.)  I woke the girls, and woke them again, and woke them again.  I fed them, lit candles, took pictures, got them to gather their stuff, rolled sleeping bags, and picked up after them to try to ensure they didn't leave too much behind.  I greeted parents and had Keren say goodbye.  Debbie & I cleaned up after Keren opened gifts. (Yes, Debbie was very helpful).  I gathered up and id'ed the few items left behind.  I packed them up for return.

Oh I also worked Sunday night and Monday night.

Today, so over-tired and punchy I cannot sleep, Sean patted my knee and looked at me pityingly.  Seriously?  If I'd known I had the morning, you would have taken the night shift.  This is your fault.

I am sure Sean will comment on how he's the innocent, injured party.  Please tell him it just ain't so.

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