Saturday, November 24, 2012

Kitty Blog 5- by Gandalf the Grey

What is up with the snow?  I go out.  My paws get cold.  I come in.  I warm up.  I go out.  My paws get cold, and there is no one at the door to let me in!  I need my exercise.  In just 10-12 short months I hope to be able to jump to the top of the fence like Nora can.  I need to exercise to do that.  Of course I won't let the people know.  Then they'd keep in inside or insist on human supervision, but still.  How will I ever reach that goal if I do not have full yard access?

This snow is cramping my style.  I need to be able to come in frequently, but the people refuse to sit by the door.  How hard is it really?  Bring a book.  Sit at the dining room table.  I'll knock.  Today I had to climb to the kitchen window.  It's not hard to get up too, but that ledge is much too narrow.  Turning around is a nightmare.  I don't know how Nora and those squirrels do it.  Today I executed a feat of acrobatics as I leapt mid-turn to the deck railing.  It was beautiful.  Unfortunately the people (Sean & Jesse) were so enthralled they missed the point... OPEN THE DOOR; IT'S COLD OUT HERE!)

Jen seems better.  I have reclaimed by sleeping position on her feet, and she doesn't flinch.  Nora still insists following her everywhere (even getting upset when Jen went to bathe.  I understood her desire for just a little privacy).  Each day she improves.  It's not a lack of vigilance to allow her space.

In the meantime, Jen's renewed mobility means she's feeding me.  Yum, and thanks.

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