Monday, November 26, 2012

The Joy of Shoes

I am not a shoe person.  I do not buy lots of shoes.  Weather permitting, I do not like to wear shoes.  However, after 2 weeks of not being able to put on a shoe, I was thrilled to put my left foot back into a shoe.

My chosen shoes- Ugg style boots.  They are comfortable and warm, like slippers I can wear outside.  They cushion the scab from the incision, and protect my foot.  I had forgotten the joy of comfortable shoes.  I have never understood wearing shoes that contort the foot into unreasonable shapes, nor the desire to have different shoes for every day of the year.  However, good shoes cannot be beat.  They are worth the price you must pay, and save your feet from the elements and children who don't watch where they are walking.

For those who are interested, the stitches came out today.  There is soreness.  It still hurts to walk up and down steps or to e on my feet for too long.  When I asked the doctor about kick boxing he laughed at me.  I'm supposed to give the healing 4 more weeks.

In the meantime...

I'm enjoying my shoes.

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